Bücher Herunterladen , by Sean Penn
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, by Sean Penn

Bücher Herunterladen , by Sean Penn
, By Sean Penn . Lassen Sie uns eine Bewertung! Wir werden sicherlich finden häufig fast überall den Satz aus. Wenn noch ein Kind zu sein, verwendet Mama uns zu bestellen, ständig zu lesen, so der Pädagoge tat. Einige Bücher , By Sean Penn sind völlig in einer Woche überprüft und wir müssen auch die Verpflichtung , das Lesen zu erhalten , By Sean Penn Genau das, was jetzt? Sie immer noch Sie gerne lesen? Ist Check - out nur für Sie , die Verantwortung haben? Nicht! Wir bieten Ihnen unten ein brandneues qualifizierten , By Sean Penn E-Books heraus zu überprüfen.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 4675 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 177 Seiten
Verlag: Atria Books; Auflage: Reprint (27. März 2018)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
1.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#472.686 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
First of all: I listened to the free audible version, published under the pseudonym Penny Pariah.What the...? Dear Sean Penn, please stick to acting and/or voice-acting, which you did very well here. But please stop writing, this was a complete and utterly undecipherable mess! Political activism, et cetera, I get it. But this was painful.Frances McDormand, I love you! Please read me your shopping list!Recommended: to nobody!
Sweet Jesus, this book is absolutely terrible. It's not a bad idea, but the execution - specifically the actual, line-by-line writing - is godawful. He has a penchant for alliteration that is clever the first couple of times...and then becomes tiresome...and then becomes completely distracting...and then makes me throw the book out the window (or would if it wasn't on my Kindle and I'm not inclined to waste however much money I paid for the device). Alliteration can - CAN - work in poetry if the poet knows what s/he's doing. It can work occasionally in fiction. It doesn't work when it's done multiple times on virtually every page.I made it to page 22. It's a waste of 11.99. It's the first book I've read where I actually, no kidding, want my money back - and then a little extra for pain and suffering.
I normally don't take the time to write reviews of books I've read. In this case, I feel it's a public service to others. This was the worst piece of literature I've read in a long time. It was hard to read and the storyline was difficult to follow. I was left with the impression that the author of this trash was more concerned with impressing the reader with his knowledge of the English language as opposed to making this accessible to the audience. I felt alienated throughout the entire read. Stick to your day job. No more books please.
This is truly one of the most ridiculous books I have ever read, and I don't mean that in a good way. I had to read this for reasons related to my job and I wish I could get those hours spent reading and writing about Bob Honey back.My obvious qualms with Sean Penn as a person rear to an ugly head in this book. He has a white savior complex in real life, and it is definitely apparent in this. Each interaction with a character who isn't white reeks of racism. He attempts to pass it off as satire, but it is impossible to read it that way because of how he acts in real life. There's no separating the art from the artist.I think what is the worst about this is his satire is an "attempt" at criticizing men like him without taking any responsibility for his own actions. Sorry, Sean -- it doesn't work that way. You, too, are a rich, cis, white male contributing to the oppressive atmosphere of America.Then... oh my... there's his OUTRIGHT critique of the #metoo movement and his objectification of women within the book. It's disgusting. Don't trust anyone who glorifies Louis CK over traumatized victims of sexual assault (a literal line in a half-assed attempt at a poem at the end of the book).Don't read this misogynist piece of junk. Save your money. I beg of you.Don't even read it for gags. It's truly not worth it.
Sorry, Sean - tried to read this but thought I'd be better off starting the thesaurus at "A", as did you, apparently. Sophisticated words are for precision, not obfuscation (there's a nice one for you), and you should probably check your motive before going Roget-diving. A "centurion'", by the way, is different from a "sentry" - you could have saved some ink right there. My kids do love alliterations, though.
I’ll say this as simply as possible: This book is not good. Poorly plotted, poorly written, and a waste of time. I’m doing you all a favor here and saving you time that you will not get back and will kick yourself for, for a l-o-n-g time. Should you choose not to heed my warning, do me a favor and at least read it near an eye rinse station.Honestly, I don’t know who, if anyone, helped Mr. Penn with this waste of trees but if they did, he should never speak to them again. Ever. Some of the descriptors include, “darkly funny,†and “charmingly weirdâ€. I had to check the cover just to make sure we were talking about the same book.
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