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Commander: The Life and Exploits of Britain's Greatest Frigate Captain, by Stephen Taylor

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Meticulous archival research vividly presents a real-life hero whose deeds provided material for C.S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower and Patrick O'Brian's Jack Aubrey.
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Stephen Taylor, a former journalist working at The Times in London, is the author of Storm and Conquest and Commander. He lives in Windsor, England.
Gebundene Ausgabe: 354 Seiten
Verlag: W W NORTON & CO (15. Oktober 2012)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9780393071641
ISBN-13: 978-0393071641
ASIN: 0393071642
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
16,8 x 3 x 24,4 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 907.088 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Ein Glück, dass sich nach bald schon wieder einem Jahrhundert ein neuer Autor dieser faszinierenden Persönlichkeit angenommen hat. Die Biographie liest sich wunderbar. Nicht zu trocken, nicht zu popularistisch.Taylor räumt mit einigen Vorurteilen und Falschinformationen aus den Parkinson- und Osler-Biografien auf, darum muss man sich als Leser allerdings auch darauf einstellen, dass in dem vorliegenden Werk viel verglichen wird. Gänzlich unbeleckte Leser, das Thema betreffend, könnten sich an diesen Stellen etwas vor den Kopf gestoßen fühlen.Trotzdem hätte ich auch gerne eine Papierausgabe der Parkinson-Bio im Regal stehen, unter anderem anderen, weil der Ton, in dem der Text verfasst ist, sich so köstlich liest. Das macht keine gute Biografie, aber ein gutes Buch. Zum anderen, weil bei Parkinson ein paar besonders schöne Briefe komplett (oder fast komplett) abgedruckt sind, die Taylor leider nur in Auszügen zitiert (leider auch den wunderschönen Brief, den Pellew als letzten Gesuch an Spencer schickt, um nicht von seiner „dear Indy“ getrennt zu werden).Ich vermisse auch ein paar andere Kleinigkeiten, Anekdoten, oder Ereignisse, die Taylor zumindest in soweit hätte erwähnen können, um Parkinson entweder zu verifizieren oder als Quatsch abzutun.Herr Taylor setzt des Weiteren bei seinen Lesern etwas mehr Kontextwissen voraus als seine Vorgänger, vor allem, was wichtige Seeschlachten der Zeit angeht. Auch z. B. den Hintergründen und Nachwehen der fehlgeschlagenen Invasion von Irland wurde im Vorgänger wesentlich mehr Raum gegeben, ebenso wie den Kampagnen des amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges bei denen Pellew zugegen war. Andererseits, heutzutage wird kaum jemand Interesse an einer Biografie über Pellew haben, dem Schlagwörter wie Trafalgar, Copenhagen und die Schlacht von Abukir nichts sagen. Taylor konzentriert sich tatsächlich nur auf sein Biografieobjekt, was definitiv nicht verkehrt ist.Dafür geht Taylor bei einigen anderen sehr erfreulichen Dingen ins Detail, wie etwa Pellews Fürsorge für seine jungen Untergebenen. Wie Taylor selbst bemerkt, erkennt der Forester-Fan darin eindeutig die beeindruckende Vaterfigur, die sich der Autor für seinen fiktionalen Marinehelden ausgesucht hatte.Dennoch kommt mir die Biografie einfach nicht lang genug vor. Hier und da mehr Details, noch eine kurze Anekdote mehr, ein weiterer Brief, oder einfach nur die zitierten Briefe vollständiger, dann würde ich von einer perfekten Biografie schreiben. So fand ich sie einfach nur sehr gut, aber nicht erschöpfend. Die nächste, bitte!
This is a good book. I had no knowledge of Edward Pellew until I discovered this work.While he was a contemporary of Lord Nelson, all admirals of that time were in the shadows as far as fame and the adoration of a grateful nation, inspired by Nelson's victories and overcome with grief when he died at the conclusion of the fleet action at Trafalgar. While Pellew did receive recognition from important people, including the King, he did take a back seat when it came to Nelson. One of the most interesting observations for me is that while Nelson lost an arm, an eye, and eventually his life, Pellew throughout numerous actions and peril while commanding from the quarterdeck, served for decades without serious injury. He was charmed in that respect.Pellew is most interesting because he came from nothing. His father died when he was young and he went to sea around age 14 and for fifty years worked his way up through personal bravery, daring, great physical strength and the qualities of a true officer and gentleman. And while he came from nothing, he made a fortune in prize money over his lifetime. A daring commander could enrich himself and his crew if able to take ships and receive the monetary reward based upon the value of the cargo. Pellew had his critics regarding all of this. My take was that some people just can't stand to see a man do well for himself.Taylor takes us through his long life and his many accomplishments and does show his lesser qualities, He was devoted to his family and was shameless at nepotism, and while an intelligent man, he never quite achieved political success with the Admiralty because he lacked early on important political backing and did not understand his position in the pecking order of the British Navy, which was, at that time, a very complex and snooty affair.His last naval action in August of 1816 with the bombardment of Algiers was nothing short of brilliance and he was able to free over one thousand slaves from various countries that had been captured by the Dey, who was held up in a highly fortified harbor with immense forts and cannons.It would take far to long to summarize every action of his long life and naval career, and I leave that alone for the reader to find out, but the book is good and the real life Jack Aubrey is a fascinating subject.
Actual historical events often are more interesting and exciting than fiction or historical novels–especially when these events are well researched and described skillfully. Certainly this is true in considering Stephen Taylor’s biography, Commander: The Life and Exploits of Britain’s Greatest Frigate Captain. We tend to use the phrase “larger than life†all to often when describing historical figures. However, Edward Pellew was truly a larger than life historical figure both literally and figuratively. He was a giant of a man in stature, a super hero physically as he larked about in the ship’s riggings at the tops of the masts, or dove into the sea to rescue hapless crewmen. He was an excellent tactician at planning and preparing for battle, a truly fine mentor to seamen in his command, a devoted husband and father and a chivalrous adversary to enemies, who were treated with utmost kindness when defeated. His men were utterly devoted to him.The last battle which Pellew directed against the Dey of Algiers to free hundreds of Christian slaves was probably one of the greatest sea battles in the annals of British history, and is described accurately and fully in the book.Taylor did a superb job carefully documenting all aspects of Pellew’s life including his rise from a lowly ships hand ultimately to the position of Admiral. In doing this Taylor also highlighted the internecine political battles, which affected Pellew’s life and sometimes prevented him from accomplishing even greater benefits for his country. In highlighting these political matters Taylor actually described many of the serious problems pervading the Admiralty in the late 18th and early 19th centuries which impacted negatively on British Naval interests.Taylor’s book is an outstanding read, covering all aspects of the British Navy during the period of Edward Pellew’s life. It is a must read for anyone seriously interested in British Naval History.
This book is a very well written account of a very interesting period of british naval history. Many famous names are encountered, Nelson, Jervis etc., with a very large and detailed glossary - the latter helping to make our hero's story progress in a very interesting and exciting narrative. The book makes it very evident that his exploits were overshadowed by events and personalities of the period in question but it left no doubt as to the value that such men of action made to the international superiority of the Royal Navy. As a 'Man's Man' there could be no doubt that Edward Pellew was an inspirational leader who would ask no man to do anything that he would not do himself and that included daring solo sea rescues to casting off his ship from a dangerous reef, when the crew defered from the job, then swimming back to the boat. He was not only a highly successful antagonist but also magnanimous in victory. Pellew not only had to fight the sea and enemy navies but also contend with the politics and vicious intrigues of the admiralty. The book is copiously illustated but some of the maps are difficult to read.
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